Hello and Welcome to my world of Energy Healing in Toronto!
I'm Monica Butta, an engineer, MBA and now the founder of Heal Me Energy - A Reiki Practice. I'm sure you are wondering about my journey from the world of engineering to the world of healing! Please allow me to share.
In 2012, my dad had a slip and fall, which resulted in a coma. This news took the entire family by surprise and we found ourselves camped outside the ICU trying to comprehend what just occurred. The medical teams predicted that Dad may never emerge from the coma state and survive; even if he did survive, he most likely would be severely paralyzed and unable to leave the hospital.
How is this possible? Dad was just fine a few hours ago! How can Dad just be in a coma and not speak to me? How can he not get up and come back home? Oh life, why are you so unpredictable?
Not just me, we all were heartbroken and overly worried.
A few hours later, I heard my younger sister and brother-in-law reassuring Mom to keep faith since someone was sending Reiki to Dad. This channeling of positive energy will surely help, and soon Dad would be out of the coma! “Really? How is that possible?” Yes, those were my words as I questioned their statement with full force. They explained, and I couldn’t follow it.
To be honest, I didn’t want to and really how could I? After all I’m an engineer and work on facts, not on hope and faith. This concept was rather foreign to me. (note - my family and I were unaware of Reiki at this point in time.)
On day 24, Dad finally moved his right hand and opened his eyes. We all were beyond delighted! Soon after, he was shifted from the ICU to a regular ward, where his journey to recovery began. This wasn’t easy by any means; on the contrary it was full of ups and downs. During this time, the concept of Reiki kept making it to my ears. I promised my God and the Universe that when Dad came home, I too would learn Reiki and send it to anyone else in need.
After 11 months, despite all the hurdles Dad returned home from the hospital. This was a MEGA VICTORY! He was weak, eating slowly, talking softly, mostly sleeping, but not paralyzed! Shortly after that, I started learning Reiki. Today, I practice Hands-On Reiki Healing, Distant Reiki Healing, and Aura & Chakra Balancing. Dad continued to heal, and I continued to intertwine Reiki into my daily life.
A life-changing event had brought Reiki into my life, and I was unsure how to embrace it. The transformation wasn’t immediate; it came in phases that I could handle. I started with self-treatments for my migraines. Then I practiced sending Reiki to family and friends.
The engineer in me understood Reiki as “Energy is not created or destroyed; it’s merely transformed from either static to dynamic, or vice versa. Reiki to me became the positive energy in our lives that is available to everyone; all we have to do is unblock this within us.
My motto became ‘Let the Light Shine Within.’’'
On February 2nd, 2018, Dad left us.
Doctors gave Dad 5 weeks and Dad gave us 5 years!
Dad, I will always love you and miss you! Take care and until we meet again. Thank you God, and Universe for giving us a resilient father and these bonus 5 years.
On that note, I look forward to becoming a part of your journey. Together we will achieve the highest good for all.
Monica Butta is a certified Reiki Practitioner with the Canadian Reiki Association.
We are only open for distant healing appointments only.
No in-person appointments allowed at the moment.